Monday, October 15, 2007

hanging out at airport~

ahh at last... updates bout the scholarship ppl going UK~~ just gona brief thru~ to those went to UK... best of luck to ya ol!!!!
my EEE classmate, Azim.. gonna miss this funny guy!!

with yati~~ she shared the same registration class n physics class with me back in Form6.

mizah!!! i sooo need to get pics from u laaa... i dont have much pics of u~~ X-D

sending najib off....

dessert time~~~ yuuum!! thanx for lanjaing me cake, razan!!! then we balik hostel...

and again... went to airport... met analisa there.. we had jodoh eh!! get to see her there... tho we stay at hostel.. but rarely see her arnd cuz we have different not ngam la the timing...

sending adibah off!(the one in pink tudong).. with analisa, razan, linna, haijah and erma~

my EEE classmate, Alan... aiyoo... this clever dude going away liaw...auzi must be loney w/o him..~ huhu

and voila!!! coincidence!!!! get to see azura and her family!!!! and specially azlina inher uniform!!!! pretty pretty pretty!!

close up of her...(to those who r interested.... sorry..but she's taken..~ hhuuuuhu)

and AGAIN we went to airport... send yuin roo off!!! posing with her and kristy~

ahhhh the aeroplane..

one of the hostelites flying also... (i forgot what's her name) linna's friend..

send wani off!!!! eeeeeeeee

posing posing~

met rigel there!! hahaha and yea ppl.. am not flirting ah!!! rachel's brokaliah~~ huhuhu

wei kee with chin and lovely yuin roo~

and razan finally came over~

met atiqah, my EEE classmate... she flew at a later time.. i didnt send her off... cuz no transport... tho met her for awhile but she's such a nice person~ huhuhu

send wanie off~~ posing with razan, lailatol, wanie~

her friends~~

after that.. we went jalan at the mall... hehehee we all wear different colours..

and yeeeeesh~~ went to airport again.... this time.. supposedly to send lysa off... but i came too late that she went in owedi... terus burst to tears.... shoot.. i never thought i would cry but i did... ksian shir. she tried to comfort me.. but i cried even more... hahaha stu lysa!!! cant wait for me even for a lil while?!?! hehehe but ah wells... no marah u laa.... will cya soon!

sooo loootsa ppl in the airport those 2 weeks.... macam shopping mall la... no... more ppl than the mall... huhuu... my sis was the driver of the day~

pose with analisa, diyana.... with the aeroplane bhind~

the day that analisa got her baby!!!!!! rrrrrrRRRrr geram!! hehee

haha i duno what to say bout this pic... we were in razan's transit... we no transport so she asked her driver send us to the airport.... hehehehe

that time soooo traffic jam... thought almost couldnt make it to the airport... even double lane sasatz... cuz got a very nasty accident there... i think one f them passes away...(may u rest in peace)

ahhh sending razan!!!!

when razan about to go... hahahha marah me for taking pics...~~

there she goes~~

after 2 weeks... still so banyak ppl... ah wells.... last trip to the airport liaw.... sighh....~

1 comment:

meowclub said...

awww.. seeing friends off to plane really heartbreaking~~lol. UK sound so good.. i wish i'm brainy enough to have schlarship.. too bad im red ic holder. :P